Sunday, August 16, 2009

Length Master - Session 11

Day-26: Sun.16.Aug.2009

Session: 11
Device:Bundle Assist

Before: Penis feeling good. Sciatic nerve is bothering me.
Warm-Up: 5-minutes with Rice Sock (heated)
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CCW 360º SDL
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CW 360º SDR
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CCW 360º SOL
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CW 360º SOR
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CCW 360º SUL
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CW 360º SUR
  • 2 x 25 Rotary Cranks - R/L
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CCW 360º SU
  • 1 x 5-minutes B-CW 360º SD Rollup
  • 2 x 25 Rotary Cranks - R/L
  • 1 x 5-minute massage
During: Too much skin pull on the first couple of sets and had to adjust the wrapping. Feeling skin pull on the roll-up set, slack back for a moment and then pushed down a little harder.
After: Can feel the some tenderness on the top of the shaft just below the corona from the pressure doing the roll-up. Sciatica is feeling worst than when I started
Notes: The wrapping was too tight and cause skin pulling more than usual. Loosen the wrap and resolve the issue. The skin tenderness from the roll-up, pushing through the pain and kept going until the set (5-minutes) ended. Not sure if this was beneficial to length gains, I'll check tomorrow on any skin soreness from this. Unsure about the sciatica getting worst after this session. Some sort of trauma going on during the workout aggravating the sciatic nerve.