Session: 22
Device: Bundle Assist
Before: Feeling good.
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CW 360º SUL
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CW 360º SOL
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CW 360º SDL
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CCW 360º SUR
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CCW 360º SOR
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CCW 360º SDR
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CW 360º BTC
- 1 x 2-minutes B-CCW 360º BTC
- 2 x 25 Rotary Cranks - R/L
- 1 x 5-minute massageRepeat
After: N/A
Notes: BTC: Behind the Cheeks; Standing position with feet slightly shoulder width, place the LM between the legs and back. Using the LM-handles pull back and upward from the Buttocks up the back.